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Construction Scheme 0f Intelligent Electric Bicycle Charging Pile In The Community 
Posted on: April 16, 2021
  • As an important part of the new energy strategy and the smart grid and one of emerging sectors of strategic importance  of the 13th Five-Year Plan, electric bicycles have gradually become the focus of the development of China's automobile industry and energy industry.
  • In recent years, with the continuous introduction of national encouraging policies, the electric bicycle industry has a great chance, and the purchase and construction of electric bicycle charging equipment or facilities has become the inevitable demand of the government and related owners.
  • For electric bicycles, the construction of charging piles is the key to the large-scale development of electric bicycles.
  • Basic function of charging pile:
  • 1: Human-computer interaction function
  • 2: Measurement function
  • 3: Paid Features
  • 4: Support external communication and monitoring
  • 5: Safety function
  • 6: Self-checkfunction
  • 7: Electric vehicle anti-theft system
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